Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 45

FHE231 copy
A little about Jax:
My best sleeper (since birth)
Prefers “salad sandwiches”—meaning REAL sandwiches, with meat, lettuce, cheese, tomato, mayo and mustard. I’m telling you, Subway rocks this boy’s world.
Loves mohawks.
Thinks teenagers are SO cool and can’t WAIT to be one.
Is moved to happy tears by: babies, kittens, and teddy bears
Loves to pretend to be a rock star
Is downright belligerent when hungry/tired/thirsty
Has eyelashes so long the cats play with them while he sleeps, waking him up from time to time
Loves to help me babysit babies (holding a bottle for a baby to drink from is paradise in his eyes)
Loves to dance
Loves school
Loves going to school functions (game nights, science night, programs, etc)
Wishes his hair was jet-black
Slides down the banister’s base (with his sock-feet) instead of using the stairs
Clutches his stomach when he laughs
Wants to be a video-game-maker when he grows up


  1. He sounds perfect for one of my girls....ya wanna save him for us? ;)

  2. I LOVED reading these tidbits. Jaxon is such a sweetheart. I love him SO much.
    (PS: Isaac often clutches his stomach when he laughs-- it's delightful!)

    1. Thanks for all your recent comments, Q! I feel like it's this lovely prize every time I open my inbox and see a comment from you. :)
